If the doctor performing the procedure doesn't have to pay insurance fees, the prices you would normally charge may be more negotiable and, if you choose to pay in cash, immediate payment discounts can be very beneficial. Having a bargaining chip helps, experts tell The Post. Common points of negotiation include flexibility in scheduling, the ability to pay a bill quickly and, depending on your digital influence, the promise to promote the provider on social media. An expression of need can sometimes help, too.
When Larry Nolan decided to fix his deviated septum, so crooked that his nose was visibly crooked and airflow was almost non-existent, he knew he needed to find an expert plastic surgeon. Choosing a highly qualified plastic surgeon can ensure a safer procedure and more satisfactory results, even if the price may be slightly higher. A report published in JAMA reveals that patients are asking plastic surgeons to look more like the retouched photos they post on Snapchat or Instagram, a trend that is attracting attention. While it may not always be possible to negotiate prices with a plastic surgeon, it's worth exploring the topic during consultations. Many people wonder if it's possible to negotiate prices with a plastic surgeon to make the procedure more affordable.
Prioritize the plastic surgeon's experience and qualifications over cost to ensure the best possible outcome.